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Latest Club News

Cheltenham 1/2 Marathon
This year’s big Cheltenham event appealed to just a fraction of the usual Tewkesbury gathering – only a dozen club runners lined-up on...

The NEW Guy Fawkes 5 T-shirts.
The front of the shirt has the commemorative 'War of the Roses' sculpture of 'the victor' from the famous 'victor and the vanquished'...

The big reveal date announced.
Sunday 6th October has been named as the official launch day of this year's Guy Fawkes 5 event T-shirt design. Over the summer a leading...

Apperley Quarter Marathon
A bumper 400+ runners took part in the 2019 edition of the popular AQM. Starting from the Cricket field, the runners headed down towards...

Forest Of Dean Autumn Half Marathon
The ever popular (nearly all) off road Forest of Dean Autumn Half Marathon proved a popular alternative to the Cheltenham Half Marathon...

Midlands Autumn Road Relays Sept 2019
For the first time in over 10 years, Tewkesbury Running Club sent a team to represent the club in the Midlands Road Relays. Held in the...

Worcester 10K & HM
The vibrant city of Worcester was the welcome host to no fewer than 23 Tewkesbury Running Club members who took part in the city’s 10K...

Late Summer Round-up.
24th August 2019 Vicky Earls travelled back to her native Ireland for the famous and very popular Frank Duffy 10 mile race … this year...

2019 County Track Champs.
Gloucestershire AAA County Championships (part 2) The late summer county championships this year was held at the Blackbridge athletics...

Alderton 5km
Tewkesbury Running Club surprised the race organisers in Alderton village by fielding a record number of runners for the annual Alderton...

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