Some news from the past week or three...
First and foremost, the club’s ‘Good for Age’ champion of 2015 is Steve Maber. It’s the first time Steve has won one of the club’s major titles and his name will be engraved on the famous shield indefinitely. Joining some of Tewkesbury’s legends both past and present, Steve is overjoyed to be the new champ.

Steve isn’t the only one to end the year on a high – Ben Reid took first place in Gloucester’s Christmas handicap race. It’s a smashing return to fitness for Ben.

Ben’s big brother Wes has successfully completed his 100 race odyssey. More details to follow in due course.
The infamous and challenging Seven Sins took place between Christmas and the New Year. I’m not sure of the outcomes for the Tewkesbury contingent though I have scanned through some results and pictures and there appears to be impressive performances from Chris Goscombe, Mike Bryce, Stuart Dudfield, Jamie Russell, Michael Jackson for the lads and possibly some even more impressive displays from Fran Osborne, Natty Jenks, Rachel Brownett and Cathy Dudfield for the girls. In addition to soggy footwear, poor Stuart injured his back though hopes to be back running again soon.
Kevin Emmerson scored a PB at the Cheltenham Christmas Parkrun with 29:17

And here’s a fine report from Phillip Howells...
“Angie Sadler and I went back to Liverpool for the third time to undertake a memorable Liverbird Marathon Double New Year's Eve and New Year's Day marathons – in the past we only did the one on New Year ’s day, but this year were determined to complete the double, staying up in Liverpool on New Year’s Eve. The course is 4 times up and down a very exposed Mersey riverside promenade so it is always chilly, very (very!) windy and/or very wet most of the time and this year was certainly no exception! Despite the really awful weather, there is something about the sociability of this low key and friendly annual event that makes you want to come back each year and we are already insanely planning a repeat in 12 months’ time.
Well over 150 runners took part over the two days, but we were two of just 46 to complete the double. Angie finished a very creditable 2nd lady and 9th overall in a combined time of 7-43-07, and I was rather slower in 43rd position with a combined time of 11-49-44. Tough events mentally and physically, but still a satisfying start to another marathon running year, especially since Angie was still recovering from a heavy cold only a few days earlier and I had a nasty fall on day 1 hurting my ribs amongst other bits (in fact spent New Year’s Eve in a Liverpool A&E department having an xray to check nothing was broken – it wasn’t, fortunately, but it meant no new year celebrations sadly and being in some pain breathing did make day 2 a bit more of a challenge, lol!).
Daily results:
Day 1
Angie Sadler 3-47-30 44th and 5th lady
Phillip Howells 5-24-19 138th (153 finishers)
Day 2
Angie Sadler 3-55-37 13th and 3rd lady
Phillip Howells 6-25-25 67th and last!