The Angels
The Angels race over the river in Ashleworth is proving to be a popular 10km run. It sold-out all the start places before the day – thankfully, local girls Sharon Peters, Karen Maber and Clare Marchant were on the start line at the Cricket club HQ.
It was to be John Gundy’s best run for the club to date. Not only did he time an excellent sub 37 minutes, he made the podium with a 3rd place behind two of the Gloucestershire’s all-time greats.

A few minutes behind John was local Steve Maber followed by Alec Vincent who cut-in just ahead of Simon Osborne.
The Angels course has one of the ‘quickest’ three miles before the real work starts; the give-away signs are the grit tubs on the verge. The remaining three miles are a roller-coaster on undulations and puts a dent into any PB aspirations.
Sharon found her legs hard work and had to draw on her racing experience to stay clear of Paul Booth. Paul just missed the 50 minute mark however, he can be excused on this course. Likewise, Karen with 50:28
Clare worked hard and produced a creditable 53:39 and I’m sure she was closely watched by Elaine Vincent who has now been flagged as one of the Tewkesbury club’s most competitive runners.
John Gundy
Steve Maber
Alec Vincent
Simon Osborne
Sharon Peters
Paul Booth
Karen Maber
Clare Marchant
Elaine Vincent