Gloucester 10k
Here's a round-up from Race Organizer Nigel Tillott...
Another performance sparkling with endeavour and prizes from the Tewkesbury RC contingent who supported the Gloucester 10k.
A short deluge just before the start did little to dampen the spirits. Then rumours started spreading round the course that there is a female leader - they were true! At each marshal point there was more confirmation that Millie Barnes - who we can claim to be one of our own, was indeed winning. There was a lot of speculation about whether she was being caught or not but as she came into the finishing straight she still held a 20 yard lead which she kept with ease.
John Gundy maintained his excellent form with a third place finish only a minute or so back. John has added better pacing this year to what has always been considerable talent. Mark Parker one of TRC`s newbies was next and may have been even further up the field if he hadn`t started so far back! The Osborne family had another good day with Simon third amongst the Tewkesbury contingent and Fran`s taking it steady was still good enough to win her age category. A stunning run from Amanda Martin saw her finish 3rd female in perhaps the stand out performance of the day. The ever smiling Sharon Peters and Neil Cameron both smashed 50 minutes on the twisting course, with Neil pulling off the Vet 70+ prize. Not to be outdone Pat Cameron was 2nd in the FV 65+ category. Finally it was great to see Steve Wiggall back in action making 52 minutes seem easy in his graceful running style.
With a massive thanks from the organiser for everyone`s support. I can breathe again for another 12 months!"

Tewkesbury Results
John Gundy
3rd male
Mark Parker
Simon Osborne
Amanda Martin
3rd female
Fran Osborne
Sharon Peters
Neil Cameron
1st 70+
Steve Wiggall
Pat Cameron
2nd 65+