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Forest Of Dean Spring Trails Half Marathon

*Race report* Sunday 20th March.

Beautiful weather welcomed 8 members to the equally beautiful setting of Speech House for The Forest Of Dean Spring Trails Half Marathon. Well organised by The Rotary Club, this mornings run attracted over 1,148 runners.

Traffic free "Well maintained Forest Trails" (Liken to running on a road surface, in trail terms from our man in the know Nigel Tillott) awaited our intrepid runners, also awaiting them, were "some gentle inclines", which may have been understated. There was plenty of talk post-race of the never-ending hills, but only 1 mention of "some gentle inclines", followed quickly by "My A**e"....... I forget the Irish Lady's name who said that, but I think it sounded like Deana.....

So with no chance of any PB's the runners set off, enjoying the first 3 miles of downhill before the next 10 miles of uphill.

The inclines were no obstacle for our first person home Chris Nicholls in 1.41, a fine run considering the chest infection he is recovering from.

Next in was Nigel Tillott, still recovering from the effects of Covid, this was a last minute change to his training run as he was due to be running an Ultra Marathon today in preparation for the Boston Marathon in 4 weeks time, instead he ran a very solid time of 1.46 and bagged a Top 10 placing for Best in Age Group. Amazing.

Next in and our first Lady home in a time of 1.57 was Jane Sauer. Jane was another late entry having only recently started running again after a knee injury, but in typical runners style, having gently built her training up to 6 miles, then goes and puts in a fabulous run over a Hilly 13 miles.

Next in was Jo Chandler in a time of 2.04. Jo is in fine form at the moment and building nicely to a summer Ironman (half). Well done Jo.

Emily Meadows was next in, posting 2.19. Emily used this as a training run for her upcoming Ultra and looked very strong. Great things to come.

Next in was our MOTM for January, Sheena Moseley, in a time of 2.26. Sheena is in sub 2 hour Half Marathon time at the moment, so that should give you an indication of how tough this course was. In fact Shee made a promise never to moan about Mitton Hill again. We shall see….

Next in was February’s MOTM Sam Robinson, who has continued on with her excellent start to the year, and continues to go from strength to strength….of course Sam never runs on her own and chatting to her for 13 miles on this occasion and sharing a finish time of 2.29 was Emma1, who is also in the form of her life and pacing herself nicely for her upcoming Manchester Marathon in 2 weeks. Emma seems to have dropped her Old, knackered training partner and replaced him with a less sweaty, nicer smelling and younger model…It seems to be working so who can blame her.

Our honorary member for the day was Emma1’s brother in Law, James, who Emma beat by 90 seconds giving her the family bragging rights for at least 12 months. Nice!

Final mention and thanks to the Best Support Crew of Dave,Dan,Cam, Emma2 and Emma2’s Dad. Happy Days.

Report by: Cam Pay



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